Evie spent most of the weekend chasing around with Hermione and some friends, soaking each other with water pistols or squeezy bottles filled with water, which is what we used for water fights when I was a kid!
Me and Scott spent sometime painting at the village studio 'Les Cadeaux ', we went to see 'World War Z' and we spent all this afternoon watching Andy Murray win Wimbledon!
World War Z was a really good film, I wanted to see it because I love anything with zombies and as I read the book recently it made me want to see it all the more.
I really, really enjoyed the book but couldn't see how it would translate into a film as its just a series of interviews with survivors of the zombie war, but if you haven't read the book or you can detach yourself from it and accept the film as a story in its own right then it's a bloody good film!

We saw it in 3D and all I can say about that is...3D zombies...wowzers!! There was one point early on in the film where I jumped like I've never jumped before as a big scary 3D zombie suddenly popped up in front of me, and I do not usually scare easily!

The film was tense from the start and had a bit of a nail biting edge to it all the way through, the ending was a bit predictable and sentimental for my liking, I know I'm awful but I love miserable, depressing, unhappy endings (my all time fave film is 'Requiem For a Dream).
Anyway if you like a bit of zombie action or a bit of Brad Pitt or just a good, jumpy story go see it!
In very brief other news, I shed a few tears when Andy Murray won the tennis this afternoon, I'm so happy that he won, he always seems so very serious and he's such a nice guy...I hope he lightens up a bit and enjoys his moment of glory!

Until next time
Em xx
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