Anyway I'd planned a trip over to Saltaire to see an exhibition at Salts Mill with Harry and Kia, Evie talked her way out of it and wrangled a day at my Mums with Hermione.
Anyway apart from feeling really crappy because of a stinking cold I had a brill day, the exhibition was interesting and deserves a blog post all of its own, so i'll write that later in the week.
We had a quick glance around another exhibition there of photographs of pop/rock stars of the 60's...but as we only whizzed around this one, we've yet another reason to go back soon!

After a good couple of hours spent in the mill we decided to walk up into Shipley and take a trip down memory lane!
Kia couldn't remember the flat my Grandma lived in for almost all of my life, but she remembered the hill with the rock on it outside her flat, she played on the hill with Mica when they were little much like Marc, Jody and myself did when we were kids too...

Walking down the hill into Shipley town centre I pointed out various points of interest to me, the church where I vaguely remember going to a playgroup, The road where the best fish 'n' chip shop in Yorkshire was (maybe even still is!) that my Dad would drive over from Manchester to when he fancied decent fish and chips.

A pub that was always the big Co-op, the shop that used to be the toyshop where I bought Famous Five books, the Underground market and (I couldn't believe it was still there) the best second hand book stall in the world.
I used to live for my trips to visit my Grandma in Saltaire so I could go into Shipley and spend all my money on books!
Sadly after my bragging to Kia about this amazing stall, it was closed, apparently it only opens on Fridays and Saturdays now.
But we did find a great wool stall with a guy who would win gold in the talking olympics!
Amazingly I didn't buy myself any wool at all...Kia got a couple of nice balls for her pink blanket though.
All in all it was nice to get out and explore without having to worry about Evie getting bored, we had time to wander at leisure around the exhibition and linger over coffee and a very late lunch!
Thats all for now...back soon with the exhibition photos.
Em x
It was a really brilliant day out, we should definitely go again :D